We exist for service to God and humanity

To enable us optimally achieve our Mandate, we continue to focus on priority projects grouped into the following areas of needs:
- Education (nursery, primary and secondary schools)
- Empowerment Initiatives (farm projects, vocational skills, entrepreneurships, microbusiness – scholarships, youth development and adult literacy) – AM Power-(Empower Africa)
- Health (healthcare, medical outreach, dispensaries, community health programs, child health, pregnant women care and health insurance) – HealAfrica
- Water – (borehole water supply for rural areas) – WaterAfrica (Water for life [W4L])
- Shelter (building projects for schools, accommodation, orphanages etc.) – ShelterAfrica
- Feeding/Clothing: (food drive and clothing drive) – FeedAfrica/ClotheAfrica
- Emergency Interventions/Missions Support (welfare of missionaries, church planting/church building and other NGOs such as CADAM, Habitation of Hope, Wholistic- [Support Africa])
- Support for the prisons (FreeAfrica)
Beneficiaries – Primary focus: Children, Youth, Caregivers, Communities and Missions
Support the common cause
Helping others is the best form of reward. Support one of our causes in any way you can.

Support the common cause
Helping others is the best form of reward. Support one of our causes in any way you can.